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The VoiceChat namespace contains functions for controlling voice chat in a game.

Class Functions

Class Function Name Return Type Description Tags
VoiceChat.SetVoiceChatMode(VoiceChatMode) none Enables or disables voice chat in the current game. Server-Only
VoiceChat.GetVoiceChatMode() VoiceChatMode Returns the current voice chat mode. None
VoiceChat.IsPlayerSpeaking(Player) boolean Returns true if the given player is currently speaking in the game channel. Client-Only
VoiceChat.GetPlayerSpeakingVolume(Player) number Returns a value from 0.0 to 1.0 to indicate how loudly the given player is speaking. Client-Only
VoiceChat.GetChannel(string channelName) VoiceChatChannel Returns the channel with the given name, or nil if no such channel exists. None
VoiceChat.GetChannels() Array<VoiceChatChannel> Returns a list of voice chat channels. None
VoiceChat.GetChannelsForPlayer(Player) Array<VoiceChatChannel> Returns a list of voice chat channels that the given player is in. None
VoiceChat.IsPlayerInChannel(Player, string channelName) boolean Returns true if the given player is in the specified channel, otherwise returns false. None
VoiceChat.MutePlayerInChannel(Player, string channelName) none Mutes the given player in the specified channel. Server-Only
VoiceChat.UnmutePlayerInChannel(Player, string channelName) none Unmutes the given player in the specified channel. Server-Only
VoiceChat.IsPlayerMutedInChannel(Player, string channelName) boolean Returns true if the given player is muted in the specified channel, otherwise returns false. None


Example using:


In this example, a client context is setup with a UI Container and some UI Images underneath. This script finds all those images and assigns one to each player, setting the player's profile picture to appear in the image and tinting the image green whenever they speak.

-- Client Only
local IMAGES = script.parent:FindDescendantsByType("UIImage")

function Tick()
    for i,player in ipairs(Game.GetPlayers()) do
        local image = IMAGES[i]
        if image then

            if VoiceChat.IsPlayerSpeaking(player) then
                -- If this player is speaking, tint their picture green
                -- Otherwise, set their picture color back to normal

See also: CoreObject.FindDescendantsByType | UIImage.SetPlayerProfile | Game.GetPlayers | Color.GREEN

Example using:



This example shows how to change the Voice Chat Mode. It will only allow an admin player to change the mode for the server by pressing 1, 2, or 3. When the mode has changed, all players in the game will be notified in chat.

Changing mode could be done automatically. For example, in the lobby the mode could be set to ALL so all players can hear each other, but in game it could be set to TEAM so only players on the same team can hear each other. This could be handy when discussing tactics.

-- Name of the player who is allowed to change the voice chat mode.
-- Set this up as a custom property called "adminName" on the script.

local ADMIN_NAME = script:GetCustomProperty("adminName")

-- Will hold the binding event for the admin player.

local adminBindingEvt

-- Handler for the binding pressed event.

function OnBindingPressed(player, binding)

    -- Key 1 changes the mode to TEAM.

    if binding == "ability_extra_1" then

        Chat.BroadcastMessage("Voice Chat Mode set to TEAM")

    -- Key 2 changes the mode to ALL.

    elseif binding == "ability_extra_2" then

        Chat.BroadcastMessage("Voice Chat Mode set to ALL")

    -- Key 3 changes the mode to NONE.

    elseif binding == "ability_extra_3" then

        Chat.BroadcastMessage("Voice Chat Mode set to NONE")

-- Handler for the player joined event.

function OnPlayerJoined(player)

    -- Check if the player joining the game is the admin player
    -- so the binding event can be setup just for them.

    if == ADMIN_NAME then
        adminBindingEvt = player.bindingPressedEvent:Connect(OnBindingPressed)

-- When a player leaves the game, check if it was the admin player so
-- the binding event can be disconnected.

function OnPlayerLeft(player)
    if == ADMIN_NAME and adminBindingEvt ~= nil and adminBindingEvt.isConnected then
        adminBindingEvt = nil

-- Bind the joined and left events


See also: EventListener.Disconnect | Game.playerJoinedEvent | Chat.BroadcastMessage | Player.bindingPressedEvent

Dernière mise à jour: September 25, 2021