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A CoreObject with simulated physics that can interact with players and other objects. PhysicsObject also implements the Damageable interface.


Property Name Return Type Description Tags
team integer Assigns the physics object to a team. Value range from 0 to 4. 0 is neutral team. Read-Write
isTeamCollisionEnabled boolean If false, and the physics object has been assigned to a valid team, players on that team will not collide with the object. Read-Write
isEnemyCollisionEnabled boolean If false, and the physics object has been assigned to a valid team, players on other teams will not collide with the object. Read-Write
hitPoints number Current amount of hit points. Read-Write
maxHitPoints number Maximum amount of hit points. Read-Write
isDead boolean True if the object is dead, otherwise false. Death occurs when damage is applied which reduces hit points to 0, or when the Die() function is called. Read-Only
isImmortal boolean When set to true, this object cannot die. Read-Write
isInvulnerable boolean When set to true, this object does not take damage. Read-Write
destroyOnDeath boolean When set to true, this object will automatically be destroyed when it dies. Read-Only
destroyOnDeathDelay number Delay in seconds after death before this object is destroyed, if destroyOnDeath is set to true. Defaults to 0. Read-Only
destroyOnDeathClientTemplateId string Optional asset ID of a template to be spawned on clients when this object is automatically destroyed on death. Read-Only
destroyOnDeathNetworkedTemplateId string Optional asset ID of a networked template to be spawned on the server when this object is automatically destroyed on death. Read-Only


Function Name Return Type Description Tags
ApplyDamage(Damage) None Damages the object, unless it is invulnerable. If its hit points reach 0 and it is not immortal, it dies. Server-Only
Die([Damage]) None Kills the object, unless it is immortal. The optional Damage parameter is a way to communicate cause of death. Server-Only


Event Name Return Type Description Tags
damagedEvent Event<PhysicsObject object, Damage damage> Fired when the object takes damage. Server-Only
diedEvent Event<PhysicsObject object, Damage damage> Fired when the object dies. Server-Only

Last update: September 25, 2021