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UIControl is a CoreObject which serves as a base class for other UI controls.


Property Name Return Type Description Tags
anchor UIPivot The pivot point on this control that attaches to its parent. Can be one of UIPivot.TOP_LEFT, UIPivot.TOP_CENTER, UIPivot.TOP_RIGHT, UIPivot.MIDDLE_LEFT, UIPivot.MIDDLE_CENTER, UIPivot.MIDDLE_RIGHT, UIPivot.BOTTOM_LEFT, UIPivot.BOTTOM_CENTER, UIPivot.BOTTOM_RIGHT, or UIPivot.CUSTOM. Read-Write
dock UIPivot The pivot point on this control to which children attach. Can be one of UIPivot.TOP_LEFT, UIPivot.TOP_CENTER, UIPivot.TOP_RIGHT, UIPivot.MIDDLE_LEFT, UIPivot.MIDDLE_CENTER, UIPivot.MIDDLE_RIGHT, UIPivot.BOTTOM_LEFT, UIPivot.BOTTOM_CENTER, UIPivot.BOTTOM_RIGHT, or UIPivot.CUSTOM. Read-Write
x number Screen-space offset from the anchor. Read-Write
y number Screen-space offset from the anchor. Read-Write
width integer Horizontal size of the control. Read-Write
height integer Vertical size of the control. Read-Write
rotationAngle number rotation angle of the control. Read-Write


Example using:




Being able to control the position and rotation of UI elements is an extremely valuable skill when developing games in Core. This example will show you how you can change the position of a UI element by using the x and y properties of that element. Also, this example will demonstrate how to set the rotatation a UI element by using the rotationAngle property of that UI element.

This example will move a UI object in a circular path while also rotating that UI object.

-- Get the UI object
local propUIObject = script:GetCustomProperty("UIObject"):WaitForObject()

-- Keep track of the number of seconds that have passed since the script began running
local timePassed = 0

function Tick(deltaTime)
    -- Update the "timePassed" to keep track of the number of seconds that have passed
    timePassed = timePassed + deltaTime

    -- Calculate the position of the UI Object
    local x_position = math.sin(timePassed) * 100

    -- Calculate the y position of the UI Object
    local y_position = math.cos(timePassed) * 100

    -- Update the x position of the UI object
    propUIObject.x = x_position

    -- Update the y position of the UI object
    propUIObject.y = y_position

    -- Update the rotation of the UI Object
    propUIObject.rotationAngle = timePassed * 360

See also: CoreObject.GetCustomProperty


UI in Core

Last update: July 30, 2021